03 Aug Who are you really?
It is almost too easy to go through life without considering some of the deepest questions.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in life doing the regular things such as breakfast, work, dinner, TV that we forget the essence of life, the true meaning of life itself.
It is no wonder that when we do get a minute to consider what our life is indeed, we often feel confused, depressed and maybe even a little empty.
What is the solution to this? As we’ve discussed in previous articles, having ambitious dreams and goals, writing those goals down and working with others to achieve them is one of the best ways to keep your life on track and look after your mental health.
However, there is also something else that we need to consider. We are all different and generally, we all find fulfilment in slightly different ways because we all different and we all are unique in different ways.
So it is crucial then to answer some important questions about ourselves:
“Who am I?”
“What defines me?”
“What am I passionate about?”
“What do I want my legacy to be?”
“What can I serve myself, my family and others in order to create a better world?”
It is worth taking time out each week to have a think about the answers to those questions.
Are you a mum? A scientist? An entrepreneur – maybe a mix of all these?
Maybe you haven’t quite decided yet what you are or what you want to become in life. In which case, ask yourself what you are good at and what you enjoy most.
Are you more interested in things or people? Are you a good listener? Are you good with design and colour?
Grab your notebook and start to brainstorm your talents and interests. There is no right or wrong, and at this stage you don’t need to worry about limiting anything just write and let your thoughts flow.
You can even include things that you’ve always wanted to do, but have never had a chance to do. For example, maybe you really want to try skydiving or learn how to bake top restaurant style desserts, DO IT.
Essentially this brainstorming exercise is all about digging deep into yourself and bringing out the little nuggets that make you the person you are really.
If you are struggling, you may find it useful to ask those close to you. What do they like about you? For example, you may not realise that you are good at finding solutions, yet if you ask your close friends and family they may say something like “I find that I can always come to you with a problem and you know what to do”.
So it can be useful to have different perspectives as sometimes other people can see in us something that we cannot see ourselves.
Take your time on this, there is no rush. Remember, there is no wrong or true answer. You may also find that you come back and add to it now and again, so keep it somewhere safe and be sure to look at it regularly.
So, hopefully now, you have a lovely, large diagram or list of your talents, interests, skills, qualifications etc.
This should help you answer the next question – what am I passionate about?
For example if one of your skills or interests is cooking. How interested in cooking are you? Is it something you want to do more of? Are you already an expert and interested in helping others improve their food knowledge?
Are you a writer? Would being a publisher fulfil you?
It doesn’t just need to be one thing, you may come up with a few things that you would like to do more with, which is absolutely fine.
From this, you can start to work out what your legacy might be. For example, if you do want to be a writer, what can you write about that would create the most benefit for people…and so on… hopefully by now you can see how this process starts inside of you and finishes at what you can contribute to the world around you.
From this then you can continue to work on yourself and your goals, with hopefully a clearer idea of who you really are and what amazing talents you have.
Natalie, your sister in transformation
Byla | Build Your Legacy Academy | How to train your mind to think bigger
Posted at 18:52h, 15 August[…] is your legacy? How will you help others? If you are unsure, please read the self discovery article where we take you through a step by step process to discover your talents and what you should focus […]