How to be the woman of your dream ?
I am not what happen to me, I am what I chose to become – C.D. Jung
By N.L.
“Make the most of yourself…for that is all there is of you”. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
When we grow up, we often have these dreams about the person we want to be later on in life. It is our responsibility to nurture these dreams so they will one day come to pass. “Our life is a reflection of our thoughts”. These are 5 steps that will allow us, as woman, to achieve our goals in life. As a woman,
- It is very important you compliment yourself often.
Every morning, before you start your day or even before you leave your house, compliment yourself. You can do it by saying to yourself: You are beautiful! I love your dress or anything you are wearing. You have beautiful eyes! You have a beautiful smile! Giving yourself this emotional boost early in the morning will make you happy throughout the day and everybody you meet during the day will be attracted to your happiness.
- Take responsibilities for your action.
Stop blaming others for your mistakes. There are situations in our life which will not workout in our advantages but, we have to reflect on them and see where we were wrong and do our best to amend or do the right thing. Instead of pointing fingers at others for what might be happening in our life, we should own our mistakes and learn from them.
- Get rid of anger.
When you are faced with a rather annoying situation, calm down, take your time before responding. What happens to us has nothing to do with us, is the way we handle that determine who we are. However, being angry is not good for our health. It may cause lack of sleep, heart problems and even digestives problems. Prayer and meditation are good tools to get rid of anger.
- Let go of resentment and learn to forgive.
Not forgiving someone is like living with them everyday in your mind. Let go so you can be free. Take time to meditate and give thanks for the wisdom and the knowledge gained from your suffering. Practice this mantra: I forgive you and I release you.
- Come off the comfort zone and be open to change.
Learn new things, educate yourself. When you start challenging yourself to step out from your comfort zone, a natural momentum starts. What can be seem like small efforts start to come together and the multiplying effect of the small gains in a number of areas creates a force and we just cannot be stopped. The more important thing is to start something new.
Want to change your ways and acquire practical tools to achieve your dream, here at the Academy, we can help you change your mindset with our Mindset Program.
We offer a free 30 minute consultation to listen your current situation and offer some advice on how you can get started on achieving your dream.
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